Maintaining a healthy spine isn’t just important for physical comfort, but for an overall better quality of life. Whether you’re an athlete, a professional stuck at a desk, or just someone trying to avoid back issues, understanding how to keep your spine healthy through top spinal health advice is crucial. Spinal related pain is the most common complaint we treat at Hartwell Physio, therefore our team are extremely experienced in this area and can offer practical advice on achieving and maintaining great spinal health.
Here are our secrets to preventing back problems and unlocking spinal wellness.
The Importance of Good Posture
Having good posture is the foundation of holistic spinal health. How you sit, stand, and move all affect how your spine is loaded throughout the day. Back and neck pain can be aggravated by long periods of sitting, especially if your workstation has a poor set-up. It’s best to use a chair that supports the natural curves of your spine, and ensure your screen is elevated to avoid straining your neck (see more tips on workplace ergonomics HERE). Combat long periods of standing by wearing comfortable and supportive footwear (avoid high heels!) and aim to avoid slouching as this is your body’s way of trying to avoid using your postural muscles and can lead to strain on your neck and back. The easiest way to maintaining good posture and improving spinal alignment is to change your position every 30 minutes.
Exercise for a Healthy Spine
Regular physical activity is a key element of spinal health. Your spine is no different to the rest of your body, ideally you should complete a variety of spine strengthening exercises that work on spinal muscle strength, flexibility and joint mobility for back pain relief. Exercises like swimming, walking, running, yoga, Clinical Pilates and Functional Training can all be beneficial. In particular over the past 30 years Clinical Pilates has gained popularity for the management and prevention of spinal issues as it has a primary focus on the core/spinal postural muscles, working on a variety of movements in a variety of positions while adding resistance and complexity to the movement to enhance spinal function.
Lifting Right to Avoid Strain
Optimal lifting techniques are essential to prevent strain on your spine. When lifting heavy objects, our Melbourne wellness experts advise bending at your hips and knees instead of your waist so that you use the large muscle of your legs to assist your back muscles when lifting. Remember to keep the object close to your body, engage your core muscles, and avoid twisting your spine while lifting heavy objects to help prevent back injuries.
Weight Management
Carrying excess weight especially around the tummy can contribute to added stress on your spine. As for the prevention of many conditions, back pain may also be reduced by maintaining a healthy weight through balanced eating and regular exercise. Even a small weight reduction can significantly improve your back health not to mention your overall well-being.
Stretching for Flexibility
Regular stretching helps maintain flexibility and prevents muscle imbalances that can strain your spine. Our team of Melbourne healthcare specialists suggest daily gentle stretches for the back, hips, hamstrings, shoulders and neck muscles. Practices like yoga and Clinical Pilates are particularly effective in enhancing flexibility while strengthening core muscles.
Prioritising Quality Sleep
One of the most basic physiotherapy tips essential for spinal recovery is sleep. You might want to consider investing in a mattress and pillow that support your body’s natural curves. Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees or on your back with a pillow under your knees can help maintain spinal alignment if you have back pain. To avoid neck pain when you sleep choose a pillow that supports your head, a pillow that is too low or high will cause strain on one side of your neck that can lead to pain.
Seeking Professional Guidance
Persistent back or neck pain warrants a professional assessment. Our team of physiotherapists have the expertise to evaluate your condition and provide tailored recommendations and spinal care techniques. Our Clinical Pilates classes, conducted under the guidance of skilled Melbourne physiotherapists, can be especially beneficial for specific spinal issues.
Don’t let your spinal pain limit your life. By focusing on posture, incorporating spinal mobility and core strengthening exercises such as Clinical Pilates, lifting safely, managing your weight, practicing flexibility through stretching, ensuring good sleep, and seeking expert physio advice when needed, you’re taking meaningful steps towards optimal spinal health.
Book a Physio assessment with us by calling 9889 39093, or book online.