Have you suffered a neck or back injury?

We are a trusted Melbourne Spinal physio practice dedicated to providing high-quality care and comprehensive treatment options for people dealing with spinal conditions and injuries. Our team of passionate physiotherapists are experienced in addressing a wide range of spinal issues, from acute injuries to chronic conditions of the neck, upper back and lower back. With our expertise and personalised approach, we aim to help you alleviate pain, improve function, and enhance your overall quality of life.

Assessment and Diagnosis

Our skilled physiotherapists will conduct a thorough assessment to understand the nature and extent of your spinal condition. Through a combination of physical examinations, medical history review, and advanced diagnostic tools, we will determine the underlying causes of your symptoms and develop an accurate diagnosis.

Do I need scans?

The first step in your recovery is an accurate diagnosis of the structures you have injured, and the severity of that damage. After completing a thorough assessment, your spinal physio in Melbourne will determine whether scans are required. In very few cases, an x-ray, ultrasound, CT or MRI scan may be required to further assess your issue.

Individualised Treatment Plans

Based on our assessment findings, we will create a tailored treatment plan to address your specific needs and goals. We believe in a patient-centred approach, where we collaborate with you to develop a plan that suits your lifestyle and preferences. Physio for spinal pain may include a combination of hands-on techniques, exercise programs (which may include Clinical Pilates or Functional Training classes), pain management strategies, and education on posture and body mechanics.

Spinal Physio & Pilates

Clinical Pilates can be highly beneficial for individuals experiencing neck and back pain, hence spinal physio and Pilates go hand-in-hand. The core principles of Clinical Pilates, including optimal body alignment, postural awareness, and controlled movements, help alleviate strain and tension in the neck and back. By strengthening the deep core muscles, including the abdominal and back muscles, Pilates promotes spinal stability and supports a healthy posture. The exercises in Clinical Pilates also emphasise spinal articulation, improving the flexibility and mobility of the spine, which can help relieve stiffness and discomfort. Additionally, Pilates incorporates breathing techniques that enhance relaxation and reduce stress, which can further contribute to the alleviation of neck and back issues. Overall, the gentle yet effective nature of Pilates makes it an excellent option for the rehabilitation but also maintenance and prevention of further spinal issues. Our Clinical Pilates service is highly individualised, your Physio will create a custom program for you specific to your level and goals. In joining our small group sessions you can rest assured that you will be supervised by an experienced Physio who will ensure you have optimal technique and can offer modification and progressions as you improve.

Spinal Physio & Functional Training

Functional training can provide significant benefits for people dealing with neck and back pain. Unlike traditional weightlifting or isolated exercises, functional training focuses on movements that mimic everyday activities and enhance overall functionality. By incorporating exercises that target multiple muscle groups and promote optimal movement patterns, functional training helps improve muscular strength, flexibility, and coordination. These improvements are particularly valuable for when recovering from spinal pain, as functional training can enhance the stability and support of the entire body, including the core and back muscles. Strengthening these muscles helps alleviate strain on the neck and back, reducing pain and improving posture. Moreover, functional training often involves movements that require balance and coordination, improving body awareness and reducing the risk of future neck or back injuries. Our highly experienced spinal physiotherapy team will work with you to create a custom designed program specific to the needs of your spinal pain to help you achieve your goals. Our small group sessions are supervised by a physio to ensure you receive personalised and appropriate guidance and progression.

Prevention and Maintenance

Our goal is not only to provide treatment but also to equip you with the knowledge and tools to prevent future spinal issues. We will educate you on preventive measures, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, incorporating regular exercise, and promoting good posture.

Common Spinal Conditions We Treat

Neck related headaches (cervicogenic headaches) and migraines
Posture related neck pain
– Cervical disc bulges
– Neck arthritis
– Acute wry neck
– Neck related dizziness
– Whip lash injuries
– Neck stiffness and tension
– Posture related back pain
Lumbar disc bulges
– Back arthritis
Facetogenic back pain
– Back stiffness and tension
Sacroiliac joint pain
– Canal stenosis

We are committed to delivering evidence-based care and staying up to date with the latest advancements in spinal physiotherapy for back pain and neck issues. Our team is passionate about helping you recover from spinal conditions and empowering you to lead a pain-free, active life. Contact us today on 9889 3903 to schedule an appointment or book online and take the first step towards your spinal physio care.


Whether you are injured, in pain, stiff or having trouble moving the way you want to, our Physios are here to help you get back to living life. We have an experienced team of dedicated and caring Physios that you can trust. We treat the cause of your problem rather than just the symptoms, focusing on long-term solutions rather than quick fixes.

During your first appointment, your Physio will complete a thorough assessment to help you understand what is going on and tailor the treatment plan to suit your issues and goals. We will work with you through your treatment journey to reduce your pain and teach you strategies to self-manage and prevent problems from recurring in the future. Treatment may involve hands-on techniques such as massage, dry needling, home exercises, Clinical Pilates and gym-based rehabilitation.

Our Physios are connected to a large network of health professionals, so if your issue needs more than Physio management, you can be sure that we will refer you to the right person. To ensure that your treatment program is safely managed at all times, we carefully coordinate a multidisciplinary approach to secure the best results for your health and wellness.

Our services are claimable through Private Health Insurance if you have Physio extras cover. We also accept GP care plan referrals and have Telehealth available for those who are unable to come into the Practice for a face-to-face appointment.

If you’re not sure if Physio is right for you, call on 03 9889 3903 us to arrange a time to chat to one of our Physio team members for a FREE 10 minute phone consultation.

Book a Consultation with Hartwell Physiotherapy Today