Lateral hip pain during and after running is a common complaint, especially for individuals who are ramping up their training. Whilst there are a few different conditions that can cause pain in this area, by far the most common presentation we see is “Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome.” This encompasses pain being generated from the tendons of two of your deeper gluteal muscles (gluteus medius and minimus), as well as the fluid filled structure known as a bursa which sits between these tendons and the top of your thigh bone.
In the context of running, these structures work to hold your pelvis level whilst you accept weight onto your leg. If these muscles are unable to control this, your opposite hip will tilt down in what is known as a Trendelenburg sign. In this position, the gluteal tendons and bursa can be compressed and irritated which results in pain.
Treatment in this scenario aims to initially calm these structures down by managing your load and avoiding certain positions, such as crossing your legs whilst sitting, that also cause compression. Manual therapy to provide pain relief is often done in the early stages. Your physiotherapist will then guide you through a targeted exercise program aimed at strengthening the muscles in your hips as well as increasing the tendons ability to tolerate load so you can get back up and running!
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