GET IN TOUCHNIKE MELBOURNE MARATHON FESTIVAL Lots of fun was had at the Nike Melbourne Marathon Festival on October 2nd! Awesome work by the Hartwell Physio team with Ami, Bella, Tyler and Leo completing the 10km event, and Sam and Sophie completing the 5km. Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:FOOTY TIP WINNERS 2024NextNext post:REFERRER REWARDRelated postsJOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY PREHAB & REHABMarch 19, 2025ASSESSING YOUR STRENGTH ACCURATELYMarch 12, 2025ANTENATAL PHYSIOTHERAPYJanuary 17, 2025INTRODUCTING THE READY TO RUN PROGRAMDecember 10, 2024POSTURE CORRECTIONOctober 23, 2024PHYSIO & EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGISTSOctober 9, 2024