The consumer information site Choose Wisely posted a warning in 2018 about the questionable effectiveness for knee arthroscopy surgery in people with knee arthritis or degenerative meniscus (cartilage) tears.
A growing number of research trials have shown that there is no benefit to a knee arthroscopy over non operative treatment (like physiotherapy) in certain situations. As a physiotherapy practice who has treated hundreds of sufferers of knee arthritis over the years, we have been helping people improve without surgery for a long time. Without question, the most powerful influence on how much pain you experience from your arthritic knee (irrespective of how much arthritis is present on your scans) is the strength and function of your surrounding muscles. Time and time again we see people with quite severe arthritis on their x-ray who experience minimal pain and conversely those with only mild arthritis on their x-ray who experience severe pain.
What exercise is best for my knee arthritis?
Research suggests that weight bearing exercise, specifically targeting each of the muscles in your lower body, with a focus on strength and control is the best approach.
The more efficiently these muscles work, the better support and shock absorption they are able to provide your arthritic knee.
How long does it take to see an improvement?
Results from research findings that have contributed to the development of the GLA:D Program (knee and hip arthritis management program) suggest that a minimum of six weeks of twice weekly supervised exercise along with education about managing your arthritis is required to see a reduction in pain and improvement in function.
Is there ever a situation that requires a knee arthroscopy?
Yes – knee arthroscopy still has its place. In an acute meniscal tear due to a one-off twisting incident where the torn cartilage continues to severely limit the movement of your knee joint, then you typically do need an arthroscopy performed to remove the tear. If you are in doubt as to whether this applies to you, then see one our experienced Physios for a thorough assessment.
Interested in our knee and hip arthritis program? Find out more about the GLA:D Program HERE