A hamstring tear, or strain (a strain is simply a small tear), is one of the most common injuries in high speed running sports, and cricket is no exception. Whilst Cricket Australia data reports that fast bowlers are the most likely players to suffer from a hamstring strain, the number of batsmen who have torn their hamstring has increased since the introduction of the faster paced T20 cricket.
Whilst there have been multiple famous instances of a player “tearing his hamstring off the bone” (a hamstring origin avulsion), the far more common scenario is to tear one of the hamstring muscles (there are actually three separate muscles that comprise the hamstring group) in the belly/middle of the muscle. In these cases, a player will often only miss 3-4 weeks, as opposed to four months in the case of an avulsion.
Why do hamstrings tear?
From the extensive research done in this area, we now know that most hamstring muscle tears are preventable – it is not just a consequence of old age, or because you have done one before (as we used to believe). There are a range of predisposing factors for hamstring injury:
- Inadequate warm up
- Excessive muscle tightness
- Muscle fatigue/overuse/inadequate recovery
- Muscle imbalances – typically poor strength of your gluteals and/or your hamstring muscles themselves
- Previous injury – unresovled scar tissue from a previous hamstring tear
- Faulty technique/biomechanics
- Spinal dysfunction (including poor core stability)
What to do for a hamstring tear?
Once a tear has occurred, the acute management of it is critical if you are going to minimise your time on the sidelines. Applying the R.I.C.E. principals (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation), and getting in to see a physiotherapist to begin the rehabilitation process as quickly as possible will often save you missing a game or two. More importantly, your physio should be able to identify which of the predisposing factors were actually at play in your case, then help you put some strategies in place to correct them to significantly reduce your risk of further injury.
So if you have sustained a hamstring tear that needs to be rehabiliated, or would like a hamstring strengthening regime designed for you to reduce your risk of future hamstring injury, then why not book a consultation with one of our experienced physiotherapists right hear at you local Glen iris Physio? You can call our friendly reception team on 9889 3903, or book online here.
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