Falls are the leading cause of hospitalisation and injury-related death in older adults. It’s scary to think that 30% of older adults that fall will need medical attention and 10-15% will suffer a serious injury which may include a fracture.
How can we prevent falls?
The most important treatment in the prevention of falls is exercise! The research shows that exercise helps to reduce falls from 23-40%.
Other things like ensuring your home has good lighting, floor rugs are secured in place and hallways are free of clutter also assist in reducing your likelihood of falling at home.
What kind of exercise helps to prevent falls?
At least 30 minutes of exercise five days per week is recommended for all adults and when we’re talking about preventing falls, exercise must include strengthening exercises and exercises that challenge your balance. So why not think about trying to walk a bit further or try a new type of exercise?
Our Physios are always here to help, we can thoroughly assess your balance and provide you with specific exercises to practice at home. To achieve optimal improvements in your balance and strength, our supervised group sessions ensure you are; exercising with the right technique, being challenged enough to see improvements and allow you to exercise in a safe environment. Speak to your Physio or our lovely reception team to discuss whether our Health Ageing Classes, Bone Health Classes or Functional Training Classes would be best suited to your needs and goals.
To make a booking call 9889 3903.
AIHW 2019: Henley GE & Harrison JE. Trends in injury deaths, Australia, 1999–00 to 2016–17. Injury research and statistics series no. 127. Cat. no. INJCAT 207. Canberra: AIHW.
AIHW: Pointer SC 2019. Trends in hospitalised injury, Australia 2007–08 to 2016–17. Injury research and statistics series no. 124. Cat. no. INJCAT 204. Canberra: AIHW.
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